
martes, 21 de julio de 2009


La fundación Right Livelihood Award, maneras de vivir, fundación que otorga los reconocimientos a gente entregada para el cambio social, así como Leonardo Boff, Martín Almada y Vandana Shiva, premios Nobel Alternativo de la Paz, han recibido la propuestas por escrito de la candidatura al premio alternativo de la paz de Lucia Morett, como la activista mexicana más trabajadora en pro de la paz y restauración social.
Las propuestas fueron enviadas por la red de comunicación científico y social Tele - Maíz, el día 29 de junio del 2009.
La carta física esta en proceso de arribo a las oficinas de Estocolmo Suecia.
Como sabemos esta fundación tiene una gran historia en soporte de activistas e intelecuales en tregados a la ardua tarea de restaurar la sociedad mundial en función de la igualdad y naturaleza humana. http://www.luciamorettporlapaz.es.tl/

Right Livelihood Award FundationDear Friends
(Enviada por correo físico el 2 de julio del 2009)
As I writheth at june 30Th by mail, propousing the maxican activist Lucia Morett as candidate for the remarcable name of the Alternative Nobel Award, next I name the skills of the hevy work of these studient of la UNAM 27 years old, named as the most creative studient for the teachers of Filosofi and Literature from her university.
At these momento she steal writing so much about the latin american problems and she mamed that all the problems in latino america are for the armament fult.Exist so much information in the net, som information si to difemate her work, but in the National University of Mexico, she has the total suport for the studienst and teacher, because she was a very remarcable studient and depple consern in the latino american problems and history.
At junary of 2008 she and four more studients went to Bolivia to asist to the bolivarian congres, after they were invited to visit an peace campamet of las Farc whit studient reasons is a metter of fact that the tesina of Lucia Morett is to propous teatre as a way to educate about the concecuences of violence, and the deep importance of seed and create to reace the community economy and child education.
At march 1º of 2008 they arrived to a peace campament of las Farc located in Ecuador; same day at nigth, four mexican studients and much more people lost the live by US boms, of the mexican studieent just Lucia Morett cut survive.
To day at july of 2009, there is so many acusations agains her, one of thouse acutations expres to extraditate her to Ecuador to be judge as a conspirator.
A have the oportunity to asist at the forum in the Diputades Camera in México City in may of these year, an absolutly all the arguments named inocent, but the terrible thing is that she been for years a very hevy hard workin activist in the way of propousing arts in sted of wepens, her tesina is a practice about these proyect.
Right Livelihood Award Foundation
PO Box 15072
104 65 Stockholm Suecia
Teléfono: +46 8 702 03 40
Fax: +46 8 702 03 38

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